What is trauma?
Trauma is a response to a disturbing event, or events, which effects a person's ability to cope, or integrate their experiences.
What are some causes of trauma?
natural disasters
What are some symptoms of trauma?
physical symptoms: muscle tension, nausea,. dizziness, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, insomnia, changes in appetite
emotional symptoms: fear, depression, anxiety, dissociation
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): single traumatic event
complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD): repeated traumatic events
Over time, common stress can produce the same symptoms as trauma because the psyche doesn't decipher a traumatic event from the accumulation of less stressful events.
How does a Myofascial Release therapist treat trauma?
Craniosacral Therapy (CRT) techniques: hands are placed in different areas under the client's spine to help relax their nervous system
MFR techniques: therapist slowly softens the client's fascia where they have pain or restrictions, which helps restore motion and alleviate discomfort
Sometimes MFR can cause someone to shake. Shaking purges trauma from the cells, and helps recalibrate the nervous system.
How does MFR help trauma?
Symptoms of trauma—both mental and physical—stem from the central nervous system.
When someone goes into a fight-or-flight response, it excites their nervous system and neurotransmitters, which causes their body to subconsciously self-protect by tightening-in on itself.
Just like the brain can cause habitual flashbacks after trauma, the body can habitually tighten and keep someone stuck in a physical state from the past.
Myofascial Release softens the tight fascia, which allows the body to come out of subconscious contraction and return to homeostasis.
There is a gap that needs to be bridged to successfully resolve trauma
Talk therapy is important to help heal trauma in the mind.
Myofascial Release is important to help heal your physiological symptoms that occurred after a traumatic event, or from prolonged stress.